Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lady Gaga Watches Anime

Lady Gaga Watches Anime

In 2008, Lady Gaga shocked the entertainment industry with her catchy music, fashion sense, and outrageous personality to quickly rise to stardom.

Lady Gaga meeting the Queen

These last two years is easily the year of Gaga. Every other month, she would appear on the front page of Entertainment Weekly, People Magazine, Us Weekly, Youtube, or even in front of the Queen for yet another surprising but stunning display. If you do not know who Lady Gaga is… Turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or read some celebrity gossip.

I have been a fan of Lady Gaga for a while. From following her music, videos, photo shoots, and appearances, I have realized she is an anime fan and I believe I have enough evidence to prove it.


Lady Gaga Poker Face white hair anime girl

As I have explored before, Lady Gaga likes to rock bleach white hair, particularly in her Poker Face music video. No one else has such a hair color in real life. This is obviously a tribute to all those hot anime girls with white hair.


Lady Gaga pantless

Lady Gaga must have seen and loved Strike Witches. She often attends events and shows up to Red Carpets with nothing but pantsu or swimsuits on. She also occasionally goes to restaurants in such outfits.


Lady Gaga X-Factor Strike Witches

In her recent appearance on X-Factor, Lady Gaga takes her love and appreciation for Strike Witches a step further by combining nekomimi, pantsu, mecha musume, and neuroi all into the above outfit.


Lady Gaga Mikuru Beam

Mikuru Beam.


Lady Gaga Bad Romance Cover

Her newest music video, Bad Romance, is obviously a promotional video/ trailer for an H-anime.

Lady Gaga Anime Eyes

First, those eyes should do not belong on a 3d human.

Lady Gaga Bad Romance Screenshots

I have compiled a quick summary screen capture of events. Lady Gaga is stripped of her clothes and forced to crawl over to a panel of men… Undoubtedly familiar scenes for some of you well versed in ecchi material.

Bad Romance by Lady Gaga

The evidence is overwhelming and indisputable. Lady Gaga is definitely an anime watcher and possibly enjoys some really kinky h-anime.

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