00P Second Season “File No.24 Base Sequence 0026″
Just as a note, I only really keep up with 00P sporadically when something interesting and pertinent to them main series seems to come up so brace for egregious errors from not really knowing the context of what’s going on. Also I think this might be 1 Gundam:
Leonard and Delphine seek out CB (Grave) for their own personal objective, which they’ve changed making [Grave?] and ally. {oh my god why so illegal grammar, and in the very first sentence no less, you’re not supposed to be able to put two をs in a sentence! double を exclusion principle! ;A; is probably totally off}
When Leonard and co. head off to pursue their new objective, how many changes has CB undergone?
On that day, Tieria suddenly announced a mission: a supplemental test of Virtue Physical.
At the same time, Ian and co. were prohibited from entering the hangar where Exia, Dynames and Kyrios were stored.
Meister 874, upon going into space with Gundam Artemie,
“They’re here…”
2 suits appeared from the direction of the hangar.
There was no data on them in Veda.
Machines developed in absolute secrecy.
A particle beam attacks Artemie.
“Trial Field”
Meister 874’s eyes read it into the machine,
and it reached Veda via quantum correspondence*. {doesn’t say QBW, but iirc it’s basically the same thing} Then the enemy machines froze.
That’s why 874 sortied in Gundam Artemie.
However, before long the Trial Field was canceled.
The reason being that Tieria used the Trial Field.
The Trial System, which was used to prevent treachery, could only be used by certain Meisters, furthermore, it was created to be impossible to use it simultaneously.
As an armed-intervention Meister, Tieria possessed a higher rank than 874. And because Tieria used the Trial Field, Gundam Artemie’s field was canceled.
“Who are you?”
“Beside Pain” {lol, what a name}
In the image sent via optical communication* a young, green-haired man with the same DNA Base Pattern as Ribbons appeared. {*I forget exactly what this is in 00, but isn’t 光通信 usually light signals? like waving your hand in front of a flashlight to send a message in morse code, that kind of light signals? maybe lazars? :\}
(*he looks like Leif)
“By the way, my Veda registration number is 08368-SA846″
Beside’s correspondence continued.
“You {did something; no verb} to Grave!”
Exasperated, Meister 874 charges at the enemy while sending out 4 Bits.
Before that, another MS decloaked.
“The machine to succeed 0 Gundam, the Gundam developed by Veda for Innovators’ personal use: 1 Gundam”
*It’s written 1 but read “I/ai” {hrm, what an odd coincidence, the ED song of the first SE is “i (ai)”}
1 Gundam’s rifle goes through Gundam Artemie. {did whoever’s piloting it stab her with the rifle? or is that just an odd way to describe being shot through?}
Having been cornered, 874 sets up her/a gun.
To be continued next issue.
Next issue is the last installment. “File Final Friend”
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