Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nendoroid Nankyoku Sakura Review (Penguin Musume Heart)

Haven’t done a proper full Figure Review for a while, so here goes one for Nendoroid Nankyoku Sakura from GoodSmile Company ^_^

Sakura is from the Anime Series Penguin Musume Heart. I really didn’t think much of this series at first, it was more a download because I was bored and had nothing else to do at the time. I’m glad I did though, it was a gem ^_^. I love comedies that are just so stupid, it’s funny ^_^;;. I’ll go over the first few minutes of the opener to give you an idea of what kind of anime this is…

The series starts with an otaku in a dark room watching anime. An imouto character promptly scolds the otaku and advises her that she will be late too school. Not only that but delivers this evil line, “Sebastion, please dispose of anything that is related to anime.”

Nooooooooo! Sebastion don’t do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cut to school. Pink-haired Tsundere Etorofu-san is nominated to be Class President by her (Yandere?) friend Nene-san. Etorofu-san is less than enthused by the idea.


(They seem to love Camel-toes in this Anime o_O;;)

A girl wearing strange “attire” shows up to class!

That would be my reaction too ^_^

The girl promptly realises she is still in her pyjamas. (Nekomimi and Sukumizu count as pyjamas? LOL)

The girl is introduced as a new student, Nankyoku Sakura (too bad she gets changed into something more normal ^_^;;)

Maybe Etorofu-san is disappointed as well…

Sakura reveals herself as an otaku who loves to cosplay characters in anime ^_^

Etorofu-san is bemoaning that she just doesn’t understand otaku… when Sakura spies her and immediately declares her as “Takanoko-chan!”

Sakura explains who Takenoko-chan is. Basically a loli heroine with one of the most ridiculous costumes I have ever seen…

Etorofu-san looks exactly like her!!! Well, maybe only the eyebrows! ^_^;;

Apparently in the Takenoko-chan anime’s end, she is eaten by an old man. Innuendo much? LOL

But it’s OK because Takenoko-chan returns in Takenoko-shan R!

Sakura finds out about the vote to become Class President. She promptly decides that she wants to be Class President so that she can force Etorofu-san into cosplaying as Takenoko-chan LOL

Sakura decides her intentions by quickly transforming …

Woops! Wrong Costume! LOL Yes, despite this being a comedy, they repeatedly show Sakura in her birthday suit…

She sure did pull the wrong thing…

Anyways! If you haven’t seen this anime yet, I do recommend it. Especially if you like my brand of humour (Otherwise you wouldn’t be here on my site, yes? ^_^). I hope that teaser was enough to convince you to download and watch it. It gets a lot more crazy and funnier than this, I might add…

But back to the review! Although I’m not a so much a fan of Nendoroids, than Figmas, I usually get them when the urge to buy strikes, and especially if it’s a character I like

Sakura is definitely one of my favourite characters. I do like air-headed, bubbly funny bishoujos ^_^

I’m probably bi-polar in the fact I like comedy so much, but also like dark depressing stuff… lately I’ve been writing comedy bubbly stuff, it’s about time I returned to my darker roots…

Sakura goes all out on the fetish stuff. She would be the ideal otaku girlfriend imo ^_^;;

Her design is pretty awesome. Schoolgirl, crazy, ahoge, nekomimi hair, massive chest, frequently goes nude for no reason at all, indestrucible (she’s frequently the target of violence from Etorofu-sans awesome punches, but is none the worse for wear)

Definitely a winner of a character.

I forgot to take rear shots, but Sakura’s tail of her hair is articulated ^_^

Sakura’s other face. Might be my favourite face…

Definitely a contender for Nendoroid funniest face

For some reason, they also included her miner hat and pick from the opener mining sequence. The hat is AWESOME and fits many other Nendoroids

The mining sequence is prettty damn random. But that’s what I like about this anime. They’re not afraid to be stupid

Removable Ahoge is a plus. At least it won’t be easy to break this way when transporting her around. Although the main reason you can remove it so you can put her helmet on

Angry face. You know I can’t remember when Sakura actually became angry in the anime ^_^;;

She actually looks scary! Kowai!

Now for more kawaii shots with the damn awesome hat

Hat is win

But hat with V-sign is even more WIN

And now time for what you’ve all been waiting for. Time for the “Ace” Part of this review!

I wonder… am I the only one sick enough to do Nendoroid Yuri? If not, I demand pix LOL!

ANYWAYS… in conclusion Sakura-chan is so kyutto that even the lovely Yoko cannot resist her. Sakura gets a solid 9 out of 10 from me…

This might be my last full Figure Review in a while … like I said in an earlier post, I’ll have a forced leave of absence next week because I’m off to the Philippine! However there still might be a few posts before I leave, depending if I pack in time… for now Ja Matta! ~Ace

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