Friday, January 29, 2010

[5+] Who is Ushiromiya Maria?

As you might notice for the image of the previous post I have related also uimneko manga. Almost all episode 1 and the parts published of episode 2, 3 and 4.

Reading episode 1 manga I noticed the obsession that Battler trying to know who really is Maria. I might have found some solutions about this. Just fantasy perspective this time.

This time I will use some episode 1, 4,5. Enter by your own risk.

Maria is a strange character, annoying for too much people but quite interesting for me at first glance.  In episode 4 Maria is also called MARIA . From now onward we will use Maria and MARIA.

I have 3 mains answers for the question: Who is Ushiromiya maria?

1- Maria always existed as MARIA. A creator witch outside the concept of time. In some time the Maria was created as Ushiromiya Maria (Ushiromiya rosa son) however before that time MARIA do already existed.  Some of the things that difference both Marias is that Uhiromiya Maria does have 9 years but MARIA seems older. That difference of time happened on metaworld before the creation of Ushiromiya Maria.  Beatrice says in Episode 4 that it would be not good for a witch to show her outfit complete  but Maria shows the black crown at the main story (4-5 October) always. using that possibility I created the Theory of Beatrice existence 1

2- Maria and MARIA born at the same part. they have grown at the same time but the continuous repeat of episodes make MARIA be older than Maria.

3- MARIA is born when Episode 3 Maria dies. Related with Maria MARIA get older on the Meta world and can act on some parts of the story told in episode 4. That’s why she just be seen with the witch outfit on episode 4.


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